This list contains members of the West Yorkshire Bat Group who are
also consultants able to carry out bat surveys. The West Yorkshire Bat Group
is not able to recommend any particular consultant, and a consultant’s
inclusion on this list does not indicate an endorsement by the Bat Group.
Andrew Perry – Oatlands Ecology
Contact Andrew Perry on 0741 320 3574
Our experienced ecologists hold bat survey licences, are Charted by IEEM and able to carry out all types of ecological surveys for both small residential properties and larger commercial developments. We offer a full range of ecological services including reports suitable for small planning applications, Natural England protected species “Development” licences and large scale Environmental Impact Assessments.
BL Ecology
Contact: Bill Lever (
Phone: 01274 416067
BL Ecology specialises in bat surveys and mitigation. Their licensed surveyors are able to undertake all kind of assessments for a range of developments.
Haycock and Jay Associates Ltd
Phone: 01943 850276 Mobile: 077913 72565
Building and activity surveys, licence applications and mitigation strategies for residential & commercial development, windfarms, transport etc.
BE Brooks Ecological Ltd
Contact: Peter Brooks (
Phone: 01943 884451
Large scale bat surveys, Natural England licences, tree climbing, all aspects of ecological consultancy work for protected species and vegetation / habitats.
Quants Environmental Ltd
Toby Fisher (
01765 600799 / 07855 880184
Our licensed bat workers undertake all types of bat surveys for commercial and residential clients. We also prepare Natural England licences and mitigation for all protected species.
Madeline Holloway
Contact: Madeline Holloway MIEEM (
Phone: 01274 598839 or 07748004724
EINC (Ecological Information Network Consultants)
All aspects of bat surveys and reports are undertaken including Natural England Bat Licence applications and supervision of building contractors. Other ecological consultancy work for planning applications covers protected species such as great crested newts, water voles, badgers and barn owls as well as habitat assessments using Phase 1 Habitat Survey and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) methodologies.
Mab Environment and Ecolgy Ltd
Contact: Giles Manners (
01845 537484
MAB Ecology has been providing bat surveys and protected species licences
since 2001, and have recently completed our 1000th contract. We have 3
full-time licensed bat surveyors, and a team of seasonal summer surveyors.
All full-time staff are members of IEEM. We specialise in small to medium
scale developments, including wind turbines. Our core work area is Yorkshire
and the North East. We keep our overheads to a minimum, allowing us to pass
savings on to our clients.
Rhodes Ecology Ltd.
Contact: Kerry Rhodes
Telephone numbers: 01943 430 527 or 07779 238 013
As full members of CIEEM and holders of Natural England bat survey licences, our experienced ecologists are able to undertake both small and large scale assessments. We can undertake the initial habitat assessments, activity surveys and design suitable and proportionate mitigation packages. We also have extensive experience in Natural England mitigation licensing.