WYBG received reports of a Bat up in North Yorkshire that had become grounded. It had been reported that Bruce, a 3 week old Pipistrelle, had flown into a window and become grounded.
A member of the public had taken Bruce in and attempted to hydrate him with a view to be released but Bruce had become more lethargic and the finder got in touch with a local wildlife rescuer. The rescuer had never taken in a bat before and Bruce was her first. Pups of this age require a lot of regular feeding so was quite a challenge for someone who has not looked after a bat before! The wildlife carer received some support and was able to help Bruce gain some strength until he could be collected by a member of the group.
Bruce was taken to the Bat hospital in Otley where he will gain weight, grow and learn to fly and catch food for himself. Bruce didn’t appear to have any injuries despite his ordeal with the window!
If you have found a grounded bat, please see our advice page and call the BCT on 0345 1300 228