Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name *Full Address *Email *Telephone *Membership Type *Student/Unwaged (£2.50/yr)Single/Family (£5/yr)3 yearly (£12)Lifetime Membership (£75)Please select which membership option you requirewhat bat group activities are you interested in?Walked bat surveys (transects)Roost surveys (looking for evidence of bats or counting bats out)Attending lectures about batsAssisting at open daysBat rescue and rehabilitationBat walksPlease tell us what knowledge or experience of bats you haves:I have no knowledge or experience but would like to know moreI regularly watch bats around my homeI have a bat roost in my propertyI have been involved in rescuing batsI have a bat detectorI am a professional ecologist with bat survey experienceWYBG always appreciate help with organisation. If you can help with financial, secretarial, computer skills, public relations, outdoor training or would like to lead a project please tick here.GDPR Agreement *I consent to West Yorkshire Bat Group holding my information. I can ask to see the information or for it to be removed at any time. Otherwise the information I give will be removed from the database two months after my membership ceases and less than three months after my membership ceases, allowing me time to renew my membership if I so wish. I can ask for mistakes to be rectified and changes to be updated. Any concerns or complaints I have will be addressed to the Membership Secretary and the Chair. I can review the Privacy Policy at any time.PhoneSubmit