Other membrane/skin problems

Includes: Minor wounds, Sticky wing, Fur loss, Burns


  • Minor wounds, for example where the membrane is damaged only on the inside of the wing, can cause the membrane to stick together.
  • Poor husbandry and inadequate ventilation can cause ‘sticky wing’ in long term captives. It can also be caused when an injury prevents bats from opening the wing properly to groom.
  • Intradermal parasites, for example Psorergatoides species, can cause deterioration of the wing membrane. Demodex has also been diagnosed once in a bat.
  • Localised fur loss can be caused by excessive scratching or poor nutrition.
  • Fur loss under the chin and down the belly can be caused by food soiling.
  • Fur loss on the lower belly may be caused by incontinence.
  • Bats coming down chimneys onto stoves, ‘hugging’ light bulbs, or in contact with caustic chemicals may suffer burns that are not immediately apparent.

Treatment Options

  • Keep cage clean and dry, consider antibiotic treatment for minor wounds.
  • Address poor husbandry by preventing cage and contents getting damp and improve ventilation. Keep the cage in an area of high humidity. Severe cases of sticky wing can be rinsed in tepid slightly salted water.
  • Endoparasites in skin require veterinary diagnosis and treatment.
  • For localised fur loss, look for ticks, otherwise consider diet.
  • Fur loss down the belly and under the chin can be avoided by preventing mealworm innards or milk from dribbling down. Bats that secure mealworms against their chests should be offered smaller (mini) mealworms.
  • For burns, rehydration, analgesia and possibly antibiotics. Blood supply to the membranes may be damaged and the membrane crisps and dies. Close monitoring for approximately ten days to see the full extent of wing and tail damage. Extensive damage suggests euthanasia. Smoke damage may also cause respiratory distress.


  • Fur regrows after the annual moult in most cases. Hair loss from poor nutrition in long term care may mean that the new hair does not grow.